
Agile Coaching Supervision is a unique 6 weeks program, starting on 13 March, happening every other week from 6pm – 7pm EST.

The Agile methodology is used now broader not only in technology as it’s speed of delivery of products and empowerment of teams are so unique and empowering and Agile coaches are leading that comprehensive process.

As part of that, they manage team’s and individual’s dynamics and processes and frequently are coaching both clients, stakeholders, teams and individuals. But the Agile coach role is rather lonely role, sitting in-between all of those stakeholders can make them feel they should always perform on the best possible level and that is a real challenge.

Agile coaching super-vision is creating a co-creation space for those experts to share situations, experiences and reflect of emotions or thoughts that they have while coaching their teams. That process will allow them to discover and learn more about themselves as coaches, how they can be better for their teams and be more efficient and present for their clients.